How to install sqlite on raspberry pi windows 10 iot
How to install sqlite on raspberry pi windows 10 iot

how to install sqlite on raspberry pi windows 10 iot

But I cannot reach this Pictureslibrary by a relativ or absolute path. So I'm able to create a file within the Pictureslibrary.

how to install sqlite on raspberry pi windows 10 iot

In order to avoid the emptying I tried to use the PicturesLibrary (by giving the right capability to the Node.js app). Unfortunately the folder is emptied during deploy of the apps. From Node.js I can reach the databaseīy using an relative path to the database. The sqlite-database is placed within the publisherCacheFolder and both apps can access to the database. When I want to use a shared folder for both apps. I did some tests with the PublishersCache Folder. I can use seperate sqlite-databases (each for every app) within the app-folder structure (Local) => no Problems. One App is an C#-App, the other one is an Node.Js app(JavaScript). I wrote two apps for Windows IoT (Raspberry). I did some investigations via Google, and ask a generell question I'm looking for an expert in order to solve the simple question: "How can I use a SQLite database which is within a shared folder". PathName = "C:\\Data\\Users\\DefaultAccount\\AppData\\Local\\Publishers\\hdc5ggrzba5pp\\HomeDB\\HomeDB.sqlite".SQLiteRT.SQLiteHomeDBClass DB = new SQLiteRT.SQLiteHomeDBClass() Public sealed partial class MainPage : Page In the C# Background App I check principle working by using the code: namespace CSharp_App Using (conn = new SQLiteConnection(new .SQLitePlatformWinRT(), path))Ĭ# App: using of Windows Runtime Component String path = Path.Combine(("HomeDB").Path, "HomeDB.sqlite") Ĭonn = new SQLiteConnection(new .SQLitePlatformWinRT(), path) Public sealed partial class SQLiteHomeDBClass So I'm afraid if I cannot find a solution with the class library I have to test this. It's more complex an I have to restructure/rewrite the code. But obviously settings of the package.appxmanifest will not be involved.Has anyone an idea? I tried to create a package.appxmanifest manually. I'm not sure whether there is a way to use PublisherCacheFolder within a c# class But where isn't any package.appxmanifest within the c# class library project. Unfortunatey I want to use a c# class library which handles all sqlite communications.


It seems to be the easiest way. To use this solution I had to put some code inside the package.appxmanifest (for example according to this The PublisherCacheFolder idea sounds good. The whole problem is using the same sqlite-database with several apps, including So I did some further investigations today. Using SQLite from a single UWP-App works fine. Has anyone a solution or other The topic is not a question of using SQLite in general. Maybe there is a solution with a new local user and extended user rights to specific folders at the IoT. In the end I don't want to give all uwp-apps administrator rights. The Default User at the IoT has only local rights within its own package folder. Unfortunately this doesn’t work at the moment because of user access rights. So every class_library.dll should point to the same absolute The one and only solution I can imagine at the moment is to use an absolute path for creation the sqlite-database. This means every class library creates its own sqlite-database.Using class library in every uwp app leads to use different class_library.dll.In reality (of course) happens the following: To handle the database I created a c# class library which I can use as reference in all apps (even in Node.js it should be working). At the Moment I try to figure out an IoT concept where several uwp-apps using the same sqlite database.

How to install sqlite on raspberry pi windows 10 iot